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What do you consider casual?

A casual game is one that can be picked up easily without practice even from a long period of time without it. Casual aspects of a game may also include hints and reminders throughout the game.

What do you consider family friendly?

A family friendly game really varies with opinion. We will try to put descriptions in the review of which aspects are and aren’t family friendly. Like gore, violence or even the theme of a game.

What do you consider engaging?

An engaging game grabs your attention in one way or another. For instance, storytelling and consistent/fitting theme.

What do you consider difficult?

A difficult game may be hard to pick up without practice, have a sharp learning curve, or the mechanics are not casual friendly.

What type of games do you like?

We have found out through looking at our reviews that we have a preference for roguelike platformers. Knowing this, we try to keep this bias in mind when writing our reviews and keep it in check.

What games do you recommend?

Risk of Rain 1 & 2, Broforce, Wizard of Legend, Towerfall Ascension.

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