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Children of Morta

5/5 Co-op Friendly

3/5 Fun

2/5 Difficulty

3/5 Engaging

4/5 Family Friendly

5/5 Casual Friendly

Co-op Friendly

Children of Morta Character Select
Character Select

Children of Morta allows for online co-op along with local co-op off of one copy of the game. If playing online one person begins a save file and once in is able to invite your friend to help progress. All of the save data is on the one account. This allows for easy drop in game play, we did not encounter any issues while playing online co-op.


This game has some fun moments when swarms of enemies are attacking you and you are able to dodge and fight back. Sadly the boss fights felt a bit lacking and not a real challenge, compared to some of the fast pace levels. Not all the characters felt enjoyable to play but there is enough diversity that you should be able to find a few you like playing……just be careful they do fatigue.

Children of Morta Action Shott
Mobs and Item Usage


Levels felt a bit random on difficulty some starting with large swarms of enemies, and some a bit slower. Either way when you entered a boss room the level difficulty dropped and none really put up a fight. The good thing is the game does offer a normal and hard difficulty to challenge yourself as well as a reset. The reset allows you to keep all of your upgrades and raises the caps but takes away your level progression so that you can go thru them again with more of challenge.


With clean pixel art, intriguing story and clean movement the game does keep you engaged. It is a short game able to bit it well under 10 hours but you can raise difficulty as you like, if you are fine doing the same content again.

Family Friendly

The game has little pixel demons but no real gore so would be a fine game to play with younger players.

Controls on Screen
Ability and Character Display

Casual Friendly

Being able to drop into a friends game and either play the whole story or just try out a level makes this game really easy to pick up for anyone dedicated or not. They also have all of the move buttons displayed so you never have to worry about remembering the buttons if you haven’t played in a while.

What we liked

Children of Morta is a great game to pick up at anytime with or without someone else to play with. All throughout the game play feels smooth and well thought out. There were no bugs and great art work that couldn’t be denied. The voice acting and story were incorporated well and were engaging. There was a decent amount of characters to test out different styles. We can also appreciate the ranges of difficulty and option to prestige.

What we would change

The normal mode was a bit too easy at times, especially the boss levels. To reiterate, the final boss was no real challenge and didn’t require a real strategy. As with most games with a variety of characters, some are better than others.

What made it unique

If there was one aspect to make this game unique it would have to be the story. As all stories should differ from each other but it wasn’t anything that intrigued us too much. Which was okay since the game play and art were engaging enough.