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5/5 Co-op Friendly
4.5/5 Fun
4/5 Difficulty
5/5 Engaging
5/5 Family Friendly
5/5 Casual Friendly


Co-op Friendly

The user interface is super noob friendly, and there are also tutorials as you go. Seamless drop-in and drop-out, you can invite someone whenever and they can abandon when needed. Everything is on one screen.


PlateUp! spawns fun through several avenues; creativity, gameplay, and high energy. It allows you to build a restaurant to optimize output or build your dream place. The gameplay itself is entertaining to get the timing correct alongside your teammate(s). The game summons high energy and it is up to you and your teammate(s) how to handle it.


At this point, we have been playing for months and have not made it to the super-optimized restaurants. That being said, it never feels that difficult until it is. Alternate modes are also available for you to push yourself like turbo which allows for a faster pace, and community mode which makes it so group sizes are large so you have to plan your seating to match. There are also daily/weekly challenges and speed runs to try and see how you stack up. Changing the recipe also adds a layer because some can be multi-step or require more ingredients so you need more room in your kitchen.


PlateUp! requires all your attention in planning out how you want to set up your kitchen, and every now and then a wrench gets thrown in your plans when you are offered a new recipe, a change in group size, larger messes, etc. Then once the round starts you have to focus in because one slip up or slow down from a mess and your round could be over.


Family Friendly

The characters and game are super family-friendly. It reminds me of gangbeasts where they are loosely goosey. It is just cartoons cooking and managing a restaurant


Some recipes are not as intuitive as we would have liked but they are available to you in the menu. Overall super easy to drop in or leave when needed. The keys are also minimal with just movement and two additional buttons to use.

What we liked

Overall we adore this game, the intuition to play is great. You can see it is high quality with how the game feels. PlateUp! also allows you to be creative with problem-solving. It is super goofy and easy to have fun while stressing out your teammates.

What would we change

Planning Phase

We could not think of anything for this section! Nothing but praise to the developers!

What made it unique

The main aspect that makes this game different is the addition of seating and managing the restaurant as a whole. Having the freedom to move everything around, to play the game you and your partners want makes it feel like you win as a team and lose as one.