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Home » Broforce


5/5 Co-op Friendly

5/5 Fun

3.5/5 Difficulty

5/5 Engaging

2.5/5 Family Friendly

3.5/5 Casual Friendly


Co-op Friendly

This game makes it super easy to just drop in and run and gun. You can play it together remotely off of one copy, shared screen and online co-op so you are not limited in how you want to play.


What makes this game fun is it knows exactly what it wants to be and that’s non stop action, you are dropped in and go, they have a variety of characters many of which you will recognize form different action movies.


The fast pace style of this game can have its difficult moments but with the quick responses it does not make deaths feel that bad as you can just drop right back and try again. They also offer extra lives along the way to help you get by as long as you rescue some friends.


Changing characters on death or restart keeps you on your toes on how you want to play, from throwing random grenades from a distances to dashing in with a machete and much more in between. Bosses and pacing keep you dodging and shooting almost non stop until you clear the level, this little down time keeps you focused on your mission.

Family Friendly

Although they use pixel graphics there is a ton of violence in this game with not only your weapons but saws and bombs.


The controls are easy to pick up if anything you might have some warm up time to get back into it but not long and again the quick response make that easy. There are some speed trails that require timing and coordinating and sometimes a little luck.

What we liked

Broforce was a force to be reckoned with. Before you even jump into the game, it is taking you with sound. This game may seem obnoxious and chaotic at first and that’s because it is. Each character has a unique intro and bro name based off real action heroes. There is a great variety of characters with different abilities and weapons. But to keep it fair, you don’t get to decide who you play. It is like being thrown in a random action movie and being born in chaos. The greatest thing about this game is the hype and motivation you feel to keep playing.

What we would change

The only complaint about a game like this is it being too short. That being said even if it was longer and had more levels it would still be too short.

What made it unique

The uniqueness comes from the origin of the game. It is based off a famous action movie and the first game was rightly named the “expendabros”. Later branching off from the franchise, these lovely bros were made from various other action movies.