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It Takes Two

5/5 Co-op Friendly

5/5 Fun

2/5 Difficulty

4/5 Engaging

4/5 Family Friendly

5/5 Casual Friendly

It Takes Two

Co-op Friendly

First off only one copy of the game is needed to play together, the developers created a friend pass that can be downloaded so that it is even easier to play together if not in the same space. They do also offer local play and steam remote play. Right from the start you choose who will be the wife/husband and you jump into playing.


Cody pulling open a plant and May attacking the sweet spot

Playing as a toy exploring the world from a different perspective and working together to solve puzzles just makes you feel like a kid again. Everything takes on a new light exploring all of the different areas the devs put in like a backyard, kids room, garage..etc. Along with changing the play style each level, items you had to use and interactables it all just lets you feel the love they have for their game.


Some puzzles can be bit tricky but none felt unfair, you do have to do some timing and dodging so make sure you pay attention to patterns. The revive mechanic makes it very forgiving if one of you go down, the other can revive. If both end up dying then you reset from last check point, which usually is not bad.


The variety of different style and feeling like you could let go and play with toys again really makes you want to come back and play this game. Every different genre feels well done, and each character has there own personality. The story itself is very touching and you want to root for them.

Family Friendly

The game play is all family friendly, the story can be tough on some as it is about a family struggling with divorce and how it can affect a child. Also full disclosure the elephant seen felt rough..


The controls are easy and they have constant reminders, that are displayed with what button to press to perform action.

What we liked

There is reason this game won game of the year award. The variety in this game mixed with quality of game play was unmatched. It included various game types throughout the story as well as their own unique spin offs done beautifully well. Playing this game felt like putting together the highest quality puzzle. There is also fun easter eggs throughout the game that have no purpose other than fun. Mini games can also be found and unlocked so that you can challenge your partners while going thru the story or choose to vs each other instead of choosing the story.

What we would change

The majority of criticism for this game felt like it came from the story line. Although the story was good, it felt very rushed in the end. Also there should’ve been an obvious option to be able to skip cut scenes, it is possible to do so but its not very intuitive. We would also love to see difficulty levels added to the game and options for speed trials. Since this game has so many different games, it would be fun to give a few of them more than one try. Lastly, the elephant scene was definitely unnecessary and felt a bit untasteful, going to need some time after that one.

What made it unique

This game definitely sits the top of my list of games to play, especially co-op. The amount of game types and ways co-op is included in this game is truly phenomenal. It felt nearly impossible to get bored of it just because there was always something major different every time you play.