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TowerFall Ascension

5/5 Co-op Friendly

5/5 Fun

3/5 Difficulty

5/5 Engaging

4/5 Family Friendly

5/5 Casual Friendly

TowerFall Ascension

Co-op Friendly

You start off with an invite and you are pretty much good to go, you can choose between vs or co-op. Both are a lot of fun depending on what you are in the mood for. Their is no online play for this game so you will have to play locally or with remote play.

Character Select Screen Showing 4 of the chacters


Jumping around the map dodging or catching arrows feels so satisfying, all while sniping out your opponents. All while hoping your arrow does not hit your teammate, unless you are playing vs…


Two modes are offered normal and hardcore the main difference being you start with one less life in hardcore. If you are just starting you are going to want that one life, the game itself is not to challenging if you are just going for the I beat every level. If you are going for completion then it can ramp up because each level rewards a skull, one for beating in normal another for beating hardcore and another for not losing a single life.


With enemies dodging, catching, slashing or jump in every direction you have no choice but to be all in. Getting in the zone and trying to catch an archers arrow, or falling and trying to snipe an enemy mid air. There is a lot going on in the best way keeping you on your toes, and hopefully ready to react…watch out for portals spawning on you, its very unsatisfying to die to a blob that just walked out.

Family Friendly

enemy pinned to wall with arrow
Enemy hit with worm arrow

The game has pixel graphics but it is an arrow shooting game so we included a picture of an enemy shot to the wall. Same thing happens if its a player, there is tiny red pixels from getting shot as well nothing gruesome.


The controls are the same for every character and very simple its only shoot, dodge/catch and move. This makes it easy to pick up and play whenever to vs your friends or to get together and try and beat a level. You might have to get warmed up but the game is very forgiving with re-spawns at each checkpoint.

What we liked

TowerFall Ascension is a great platformer with simple and satisfying game play throughout. It allows players to show their mechanical talents and outplay their opponents. There are very few controls and limited arrows which forces players to be tactical. Each opponent and map is different so there isn’t room to get bored since they game will be over before you know it. The versus mode also allows for modifications to the game.

What we would change

Similar to other great games, the only thing you can ask for is more content. Which there technically is With any great game such as TowerFall Ascension we want more of it. More levels to the campaign, more mobs with different abilities and more content to explore. I wouldn’t mind a little more story added to the campaign to get more engaged. The modifications section of versus could be more user friendly. I think for the advanced difficulties, mobs could be more randomized. At some point you get used to what spawns and where it can spawn.

What made it unique

There were few aspects of this game that made it unique. One that sticks out to me is a mob in the game that explodes and has a chaotic trajectory. That mob alone can break the harmony with your teammate and panic can ensue.