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Wizard of Legend

5/5 Co-op Friendly

5/5 Fun

3/5 Difficulty

5/5 Engaging

4.5/5 Family Friendly

4/5 Casual Friendly

Wizard of Legend

Co-op Friendly

This is local co-op game, so it does have steam remote play. You invite one other person to join you and then you try to beat the game in that run.


You are not tied to any abilities, able to unlock over 100 along the way, the runs are randomly generated. With the variety of abilities you can combo off your self or partner, testing out different styles and even changing them as you hit different shops or drops.

Standing in front of the shop


For the most part if you can dodge you should do well it isn’t as intense as bullet hell games. With that learning which abilities fit your style and desired damage out does take a little time, as well as unlocking abilities to choose from to start each run.


Trying to figure which combos hit hard or feel satisfying and mesh with how you want to play the game is rewarding and makes every unsuccessful run feel rewarding just because you learned a little more or unlocked a new move you want to test out.

Family Friendly

Although you are an intense wizard, the graphics are pixel and there isn’t any gore in the game the enemies just kind of fall apart.


Although you have to beat the game in one run, the skills you unlock in the market from each run stay with you permanently so you can keep a style you like or keep experimenting. They also keep items you unlocked the way so you can start with some of those as well.

What we liked

Wizard of Legend is definitely a game of mechanics and skill. It can be challenging at times but it allows for unique ability builds. Each run was different so you never knew what you were going against. Which made your builds almost unique to your play style instead of the mobs. This game felt overall amazing and the abilities felt like they did exactly what was meant of them.

What we would change

All you can ask for from a game of this caliber is more of it. More levels, more mobs, more bosses and just more more more. It was challenging, engaging and addictive.

What made it unique

The ability aspect was what made this game unique. Not in that the abilities were crazy but before each run you can change them out and build your character differently. Your basically doing trial and error with ability builds and it feels amazing even when you lose.