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Risk of Rain 2

5/5 Co-op Friendly

4/5 Fun

4/5 Difficulty

4/5 Engaging

3/5 Family Friendly

2/5 Casual Friendly

Risk of Rain 2

Co-op Friendly

A copy is required for each person playing as only online co-op is available, so each player has their own screen.

Bandit vs Assassin


The shooter style with the vast amount of items, and the different characters providing different play styles makes this game fun even if you beat the game and want to try different runs. Planning out when to hit teleporters or tackling different mobs with teammate.


The difficultly like the risk of rain one goes up with play time as well as the amount of players in the run. The runs have to be done in one shot, and if you get unlucky and receive bad items early on with multiple people it can get pretty rough. That said once you have a good flow, and used to mob attack patterns you realize how strong your character can feel.


With each run being different due to the randomness of items as well as being able to choose different character, keeps you wanting to try and push you self. They also have artifacts to find as easter eggs in the game and then enable to give you a different play thru experience.

Family Friendly

The game is shooting monster, none seem to be graphic


The game does have 3 difficulties to choose from so if you are just looking to casually play randomly and want to try to do some runs you can do easy mode and most likely beat it. That being sad if you want to push yourself with higher difficulties and/or artifacts to challenge yourself the game has the option. Each character also has their own learning curve with attack patterns or combos or just getting used to movement compared to others.

What we liked

This game is nothing short of a blast! There is so many variables that change with each run. Some depending on you and some from the game. Like how it gets harder with each passing second. But, the items that are available to you in that run are random. All together it allows for interesting builds and creativity for each character. While feeling absolutely butter smooth and clean. The game also doesn’t lack any variety in mobs nor levels, it feels like a game that knows exactly what it wants to be. If that wasn’t enough, the developers regularly update the game and recently came out with an expansion pack! Additionally, the atmosphere and music give an engaging feeling and add fun to the game play.

What we would change

We literally would not change a single thing about this game. From head to toe, it is setting an example as what a game should be. It has amazing game play, its not repetitive, it runs smooth, and it gets updated regularly. Plus it is getting content added to it so there is just more to love.

What made it unique

Although it is great game, there isn’t much to say about its uniqueness. There are plenty of third person shooters and campaigns similar. But, this game has a different art style and mob story to make it better than the rest.