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Fistful of Frags

3/5 Co-op Friendly

5/5 Fun

4/5 Difficulty

5/5 Engaging

2/5 Family Friendly

3.5/5 Casual Friendly

Fistful of Frags

Co-op Friendly

Each person has to have a copy of the game, luckily it is free. You do have to coordinate trying to get in on the same game. We were unsure on how to make our own game.


Fistful of Frags Point System
Point System Log

This game feels exactly how you want it to playing a western, is it perfect no..but it feels so good, the aiming being a bit off, the reloads taking a bit longer. It just feels that little bit more real you want so that when you land shots or kick an opponent it feels that much more satisfying.


You will have to time and aim, you can not just goes guns a blazing unless you have decent aim, as the reload time is longer than most other games and easily punished.


Fistful of Frags Scoreboard
Post-game Scoreboard

With all the real feel of the game it is easy to get sucked in and want to keep fighting it out to see how well you can do. There is no single player or story mode it is all player versus player but it is fun and as you verse other people you notice little things they do and it makes you want to try them out.

Family Friendly

Tons of gun violence and boot kicking…


The controls are pretty basic for an fps, easy to get back into. Just keep in mind the reload and aiming and you should be fine. Not nearly as fast paced as modern shooters.

What we liked

Fistul of frags was nothing short of western chaos. It felt very realistic in the way you move and how fast everything felt. There was even options to kick people and get the gun out of their hands. Simply put, this game is amazing to pick up and can be addictive with a friend. For a free game, it knocks a lot of others out the park.

What we would change

With all the great things there is about this game, there were definitely some initial difficulties. First, it was hard to differentiate the servers from one another so you can join the same lobby as someone. The user interface is also not very user friendly, especially if you’re not familiar with valve. At times, the game can feel a little clunky.

What made it unique

Fistful of frags is a western base first person shooter, that is what makes it unique. There are others but this one feels like a masterclass of its own. Also I have never played a first person shooter where you can kick a weapon out of someone’s hand. Amazing.