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Tiny Brains

5/5 Co-op Friendly

3.5/5 Fun

2.5/5 Difficulty

4/5 Engaging

5/5 Family Friendly

5/5 Casual Friendly

Tiny Brains

Co-op Friendly

Invite teammate to play, and once in the game you can be any of the 4 characters as long as your teammate isn’t actively using them.


The fun comes coordinating with your partner trying to solve the different puzzles. Testing out different ideas and seeing what is possible, we believe there are more then one way to solve the levels. We played this game on online co-op and it did seem a bit buggy, players flying off the level or not seeing the same thing.

Tiny Brains Game Modes
Game Modes


None of the puzzles were particularly difficult, but they do involve some platformer style timing, and coordinating with your partner.


The levels were fun to think out and they had 4 different characters to play with so you could test out different ways to do things in the level. The story and characters were odd which added to the charm of the game.

Tiny Brain UI
User Friendly Abilities

Family Friendly

The game was generally appropriate and did not have anything violent going on.


The game itself is short only about 2 hrs, and has easy controls so you can put the game down and come back and finish whenever.

What we liked

The Tiny Brains are crew not to be messed with. The scientist and his subjects set out on a chaotic and trivial experiment. Each tiny brain has their own unique abilities and allows for each level to be completed differently while using your creativity. The camera angles, and music mixed with the changing background created a space to make you a part of the story. While the puzzles were the core of the game and made you think with your tiny brain.

What we would change

The Tiny Brains had a few bugs, especially when switching angles. They also felt a bit clunky at times or like they weren’t moving as you would want them to. The story line could also use some work, it felt a bit odd but was entertaining for most of it. Additionally the difficulty was fairly low so I would like to see an option for ranging difficulties to be chosen.

What made it unique

There wasn’t anything unique about this game. It was just a puzzle game with characters that use their abilities to solve the puzzles. If there was a unique aspect, it would be the story but even then it wasn’t all too crazy.