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Ultimate Chicken Horse

5/5 Co-op Friendly

5/5 Fun

4/5 Difficulty

4/5 Engaging

3/5 Family Friendly

5/5 Casual Friendly

Ultimate Chicken Horse

Co-op Friendly

With this game you can play with individual copies through online play, local play and remote play. You are playing off of one course together and each player goes one at a time.


The random objects and being able to build on each course make it fun and entertaining as you try to plan how to sabotage your opponents while also try to figure out how to make it across yourself.


The difficulty is platforming based and generally depends on how hard you and your other players want to make the levels. So if all players are around the same skill level it should be a fair fight on who wins each level.


Each level turning out differently and trying to come up with fun ways to make it across all while laughing at yours and you friends failings. Getting that extra chance to show you can be the one to make across the level no one else could, or putting in an obstacle that no one can pass just keeps you wanting to play.

Family Friendly

There is a lot of obstacles in the game designed to hurt your fluffy characters, from saws, bees, rockets..etc so if you are ok with that level of violence you should be fine. When hit your animal just shakes and the as shown to the left they get crosses on their eyes.


The entire game is platforming no attacking, making it easy to pick up whenever and challenge your family and friends.

What we liked

Ultimate Chicken Horse is an excellent party game to add to your collection. Each time you hop in a map, each player gets to choose an object to add to the course. Which allows for competitiveness, variability and straight tom foolery. A level editor is also available to make a whole new map instead of just adding objects to the course.

What we would change

Although it is a great party game, I’d say the price point is a bit steep but luckily you only need one copy to play local co-op. Definitely wait until it is on sale. That being said there isn’t anything to change about the game, it feels great and has little to no bugs. The community is active and offers community based maps as well.

What made it unique

The one thing that made this game stand out from other platformers was the ability to add objects to the course each time. Further, the objects being added is a core aspect of this game that distinctively makes its own.